My kids will never stop surprising me 🙃🤗 Do you see the two homemade cookies in the corner? Well, technically they are teething cookies for a 6 months baby. Oat and banana, vegan. I filmed the recipe yesterday and it ends up that my kids (5 and 7) love them 😆😆 What can I say?? Who said that baby food is only for babies?? 🤣 We also have a broccoli pizza with homemade tomato sauce + almonds + mango + steamed broccoli. Happy Friday

My kids will never stop surprising me 🙃🤗 Do you see the two homemade cookies in the corner? Well, technically they are teething cookies for a 6 months baby. Oat and banana, vegan. I filmed the recipe yesterday and it ends up that my kids (5 and 7) love them 😆😆 What can I say?? Who said that baby food is only for babies?? 🤣

We also have a broccoli pizza with homemade tomato sauce + almonds + mango + steamed broccoli.
Happy Friday

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