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Egg Yolk, Avocado, Sweet Potato baby puree +6M
  • 1 egg yolk, hardboiled
  • 1/2 avocado
  • 1/2 sweet potato, steamed
  • 2 Tbsp thinning liquid if needed (breastmilk, baby formula, hot water...)
  1. Boil the egg. Place the egg in cold water in a pot and bring to boil. When the water is boiling set the timer to 8 minutes. Drain, wait few minutes and remove the eggshell.

  2. Peel the sweet potato and chop it in small pieces. Steam the sweet potato for 8 min.

  3. In a small serving bowl place two tablespoons of steamed sweet potatoes and smash them with a fork, add the avocado, smash, add the egg yolk, smash. 

  4. For a more liquid consistency add few tablespoons of the thinning liquid of your choice (baby formula, breastmilk, hot water).

  5. For toddlers or for a baby led weaning approach simply slice the egg white. Spread the puree on a slice of bread, and sprinkle the egg whites on top. Slice in small bites to serve.